Chips-IT: open applications for the position of Director

Chips-IT, an Italian Foundation whose mission is to advance research in Integrated Circuit design, invites applications for the position of Director

Location: Pavia, Italy

About Chips-IT

Chips-IT was founded in 2023 and is seeking to hire its first Director to lead the Foundation through its initial stages with the aim of becoming a major player in Integrated Circuit design research in Europe.

The role of the Director

The Director’s goal would not only be to set up the organization, but to create a vision for the Integrated Circuit design sector and execute it by leveraging the present funding landscape embodied in the European Chips act and the Italian legislative initiatives directed to promote semiconductor manufacturing and design and to sustain industry in this domain.

As a consequence, the candidates must possess proven knowledge and expertise of worldwide microelectronic design research and industrial ecosystems. In particular, the candidates must understand what drives research on Integrated Circuits and their industrial applications. Since the Foundation is a new institution that aims to grow into a mid-sized research organization by global standards, the candidates must possess experience in driving organizations focused on IC design, research on IC design, research on microelectronics. In particular, candidates must also prove their ability to grow organizations, based on past experience be that corporate or academic.

Since the Foundation aims to be internationally recognized, candidates must have a significant position in the microelectronics community at large.

In particular, the ideal candidate would be able to:

  • Craft and articulate a technical vision and strategy for the future of IC design that leads the industry and the world.
  • Build Chips-IT leadership in IC design by leveraging the collaboration between academia, industry and governments, especially at the national and EU level.
  • Be an advocate for Chips-IT with both internal and external stakeholders, including the European university ecosystem, the European research and technology transfer ecosystem, qualified global investors, governments and institutions.
  • Build strong relationships with Industry, at the European and global level.
  • Create an organizational structure to develop a technical and educational vision, respecting the interests of key stakeholders.
  • Design and execute interdisciplinary educational and workforce development programs that prepare undergraduate, master’s, and PhD students for the current and future needs of the semiconductor industry.
  • Build the internal and external Chips-IT community by enhancing the diversity of researchers and staff and working closely with industry and government.

Required Qualifications

An earned Masters’ or PhD degree preferably in engineering, physics, mathematics.

Terms of engagement

The position of Director is a three-year appointment, with possibility of renewal.

Contact Information

For additional information on the position, please contact Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo..

Appointment Process

Applications will be received until 11:59 p.m. Italian time on March 18, 2024. The selection process will be carried out by the Supervisory Board of the Foundation; candidates may be asked for an in-person interview. For further information on the application requirements, the evaluation criteria, and the selection process please refer to the full version of the call for applications available at the following link:

Pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 198/2006 “Code of equal opportunities between men and women”, candidates of both sexes are guaranteed equal opportunities. This call is therefore intended for candidates of both sexes, equal treatment and equal opportunities between men and women being guaranteed for the access to employment and treatment at the workplace.

To apply please send a signed copy of the application form together with the attachments reported below, to the following address: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. by 11:59 p.m. Italian time on March 18, 2024. The correct delivery of the application to the abovementioned mailbox will be confirmed via email message. Should you not receive a delivery confirmation via email within 24 hours from the submission of the application please contact Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

Attachments (required)

• Full curriculum vitae

• Motivation letter

• Statement overviewing the candidate’s vision for the future of the Foundation (maximum 1,000 words)

• Statement overviewing the candidate’s vision for the future of the IC design sector (maximum 1,000 words)

• Names and contact information of five to ten professional references

Ultime notizie

  • Chips-IT: open applications for the position of Director

    Chips-IT, an Italian Foundation whose mission is to advance research in Integrated Circuit design, invites applications for the position of Director Location: Pavia, Italy About Chips-IT Chips-IT was founded in...

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